
Showing posts from April, 2022

Ghode Jatra

      Ghode Jatra     Ghode Jatra is one of the annual festivals of Nepal which is basically celebrated in Kathmandu - Tudikhel. The word Ghoda refers to horse and Jatra means festival , so ghode Jatra is the festival of horses. Ghode Jatra is celebrated in the month of March - April. On the day of ghode Jatra Nepal Army performs various acts by riding horse, horse racing, horse parade, various performances can be seen in Kathmandu - Tudikhel ground. Public holiday is given in this day where most of the governmental office remains closed. "It is said that Gurumapa  - one of the demons used in live in Kathmandu and the kids started disappearing day by day which was believed to be because of Gurumapa so people tried various ways to scare Gurumapa but nothing could scare him and once people chased him upto Tudikhel ground where many horses ran towards Gurumapa which injured him and he finally got scared and ran away so Jhode Jatra was believed to be started since then".  During

A day for mom

                 Mother's Day Mother's days which is also known as "Mata Tirtha Ausi" in Nepal. "Mata" means a mother, so its a day for mother. This day is celebrated in a special way by honouring mothers. On this particular day, sons and daughters gives sweet, fruits,clothes and gifts.  Its a one day long tradition which comes in the month of Baisakh (first month of nepali calendar i.e April of Gregorian calendar). The literal meaning of Mother's Day is "Aama Ko Mukh Hernay Din" which indicates too see mother's face. This day shows the bond between a mother and a children, married daughters come to meet their mother along with Sweets and Fruits or gifts. In this day every sons and daughters pays respect to their mother for her love, care, sacrifice and so on. Mata Tirtha Ausi is regarded as a very auspicious day. Those who have already lost their mother give Sida Daan to pandit ( sida means a mixture of rice grains, fruits, food ma


                      गर्मी न मेटाउन सकिन्छ तिर्खा, न त खान सकिन्छ तातो भात कस्तो रहेछ मौसम यो गर्मी,आयो गारो पार्नलाई रात।   न त गर्न सकिन्छ ‌दिनमा काम, न त सकिन्छ ताप्न घाम पारि रहेछ चिन्ता गर्न नदिएर गर्नेु‌ पर्ने व्यस्तताको काम। खोलेर सुतौ फ्यान त , हुन्छन् आँखा सुनिएर मोटा  नखोली सुतौ फ्यान त, निन्द्रा नलाग्ने समस्याको चपेटा। खडेरी परेझैं भएका छन् बारी, पानी पर्ने कहिले हो कहिले  बाली लगाउने बेलामा मल बोक्न दु:ख दिन्छ गर्मीले जहिल्यै।                       - सम्झना भट्टराई

Motivational quotes


Faceplay video


Loktantra Diwas

   Loktantra/ Democracy   Loktantra Diwas / Democracy is the period of time when our country began to rule by the representative assembly in 2006 after the dismissal of king in 2005. It is celebrated in April as a national holiday by a day " Loktantra Diwas / democracy day".  Ever since the beginning of loktantra, we have seen some positive changes as well as corruption too. Let's hope a country which is going to be governed by the public elected representatives may think for the country's wellness. Public got the right to vote and to choose a right candidate from a different political parties.  From the elected officials, president, prime ministers and ministers are chosen accordingly. Each elected candidate works on their field lines. The aim is always set for the development of the country from the development perspective of politics, economics, health, education, and so on. Hence, loktantra is meant for the country along with people by the development. Though  de

Photo Featured

        Plants and Vegetables        Papaya tree : its is a papaya tree which mostly grows winter and summer season. Makoy : its called kawaii in Nepal which grows itself at anywhere. It has its own health benefits.                  Myrica Esculenta : Its called a kafal in Nepali which grows in the the bushes on the ground. Jeruk Lemon : well recognised by the local name Nibuaa is similar to lemon except its size.  Animal Dung : Its a pile of animal dung which  is used as a fertilizer before planting any crops or Vegetables. Jackfruit : An Asian fruits which can be use as  a curry as well as eaten as a fruits . Flower : Its a flower which grows mostly in every part of Nepal. Crativa Religiosa : Locally recognised as  Sipligan is a herb which is by making pickle. Bitterguard : It is known as best vegetable for the person with high blood pressure. Round Chilli : Dallay Khursani( nepali name) is a chilli in round shape is good for Gastric problem. It is said that bacteria won't

Blog training session

 Blog training session with mentors and friends.


                 धन्यवाद को हो, कहाँको हो र कस्तो कला छ  आफ्नोपन र मायाका साथ हौसला दिनुभयो, हामी साथमा छौ भनेर हौसला दिनुभयो यि सबै आफ्ना हुन भनि सम्झनु भएकोमा धन्यवाद। के गर्ने र कसरी गर्ने भनि सोच्ने हामी  सकारात्मक विचार राख् र केही लेख, केही समस्या देखिए म सधै रहने छु आफ्नो प्रयास जारि राख भन्नु भएकोमा धन्यवाद। तिमि सिक्न खोज म सिकाउँछु लेख्ने कोसिस गर म सच्याई दिनेछु  प्रतिभा प्रस्तुत गर म प्रोत्साहन गर्नेछु भनि हौसला र प्रेरणा दिनुभएकोमा धन्यवाद। हामिलाई आफ्नो परिवार झै मान्नुभयो सिकाए गर्न सक्छन् भन्ने सोच्नुभयो, सिकेका कुराहरु जिवन परिवर्तन गर्छन्  सिप र ज्ञान बढ्छौ भनिदिनु भएकोमा धन्यवाद।                                     - सम्झना भट्टराई

Development and disabilities

 Involvement of person with disabilities in Development Photo credit: Google                         Development is the process of making things better than before in a better way.  There isn't any proven reason about who can be of help in development. If we take a building as an example of development, an engineer can be a designer, planner but a building is made by a  constructor. Likewise a person with disabilities may or may not be a constructor but they can be a good engineer. What am i saying is that development with the involvement of person with disabilities can't be said as a disability development. Development is just development, I don't find any difference in involvement. The main concept of development is to improve the quality and service as a positive response from public. It may not concern how the road was build or who made it. When something gives a easier life through developed things, involvement doesn't matter.     Why such involvement is needed? Wh



Benefits that i got from blog training

  Blog training and capabilities development Since the beginning of the blog training session i was thankful to the entire team who thought of teaching us about blog through their experiences and knowledge. Every training is done with the  expectations of giving something new which might be best lesson of ones life. The motive of training us might be to train us, trying to figure out how we could express our thoughts and ideas that we are unknown about.  We definitely learnt about a lot about blog, its history, its importance ,etc. I  learnt writing techniques,  though my writing may lack perfection. I can think of writing at least which is not a disadvantage i guess.  In general,  blog training session gave me ideas of different apps for working such as canva, Audacity, pixabay,  etc. I have got some ideas of making blog, how to write a new post, how i can make changes in my blog in layout, theme, and so on.  Has blog training helped me to develop my capabilities and potential It defi

Lesson learned about News

             What is News News is something new which comes from every direction i.e North, East ,west and south. And news can be taken as the answer of  5W 1 H ( What, who, when why, where and how). If we have to explain News of some particular subject like of  bus accident, it should give us the answer of :-  What happened? Who was involved? When did it happen? Where did it happen? Why did it happen? How did it happen?  When a reporter gets rumours about any subject which can be helpful to grab the attention of readers, he/ she without hesitation and  bias collect details about the incident from trusted sources so that News will be reliable and trustworthy.               Things That can be News   News should have Human interest, life style, local level news which also includes subjects like money related news , crime news, sexual related issues news, religion related, conflict of  famous personality, weather News, etc. Reporter should be aw

Chaite Dashain

           Chaite Dashain 2078 Samjhana Bhattarai  Kavrepalanchok, 9April This year 26 Chaitra is the the day of the Nepali festival named Chaite Dashain which is  celebrated same as  " Dashain".  Chaite Dashain is likely a hindu festival which comes every year in the nepali last  month called chaitra ( April month).  As a hindu we have a lots of festivals within 12 months, where Dashain and Tihar are taken most important festivals among Hindus including other regions as well. While talking about Chaite Dashain can be called mini Dashain as it as exactly a "Dashain". The only difference in both of them is that Dashain is like a final day of some previous days like Ghatastapana , phulpati , Nawami and lastly dashain. Chaite dashain is celebrated in a simple way by putting Red Tika on our forehead by elder member of the family and given some money. Family gather together and have some special food on this day like meat, pickle, drinks, fruits etc. Relatives gather

Poem about youth

                         Youth Once you enter the time of youth You are what you make yourself, Bad or worse its your choice to make But be a person who is responsible. Maybe the responsibility may let you suffer Try not be frustrated with the views of people, Enjoy the time with your loved one if possible But never make excuse of not having free time. Learn to accept the mistake if you have made As regret is never a solution of what is done, Learning from wrong doing is the best way Cause it makes you a better version of you. Its a fact that we can't turn back time Where you can get chance for change, So make your present with memories Which might gives you a glimpse to smile.                                                                        Samjhana Bhattarai