
Showing posts from May, 2022

Ghode Jatra

      Ghode Jatra     Ghode Jatra is one of the annual festivals of Nepal which is basically celebrated in Kathmandu - Tudikhel. The word Ghoda refers to horse and Jatra means festival , so ghode Jatra is the festival of horses. Ghode Jatra is celebrated in the month of March - April. On the day of ghode Jatra Nepal Army performs various acts by riding horse, horse racing, horse parade, various performances can be seen in Kathmandu - Tudikhel ground. Public holiday is given in this day where most of the governmental office remains closed. "It is said that Gurumapa  - one of the demons used in live in Kathmandu and the kids started disappearing day by day which was believed to be because of Gurumapa so people tried various ways to scare Gurumapa but nothing could scare him and once people chased him upto Tudikhel ground where many horses ran towards Gurumapa which injured him and he finally got scared and ran away so Jhode Jatra was believed to be started since then".  During

Tara Air Crash: In Manapathi Himal, Mustang district

Kavre, Nepal-  Nepal Tara air that took off from Pokhara was found crash in Manapathi Himal in Mustang district. Plane carrying 22 people, 4 Indian nationals, 2 German citizen,  13 Nepalis along with 3 crew members took off on Sunday morning went contactless and found in wreak condition on Monday morning.  As  plane as smashed into pieces, dead bodies identification is getting difficult. According to Routine of Nepal Banda "21 dead bodies have been found out of 22 people and search operation is still going on" in 6 pm Monday updates. The plane lost contact with air traffic control 5 minutes before landing when it travelled 20 minutes after the take off.  As the searching operation is going on there is no sign of life at crash site.  " Narayan Silwal from his twitter account indicate that " Search and rescue troops have physically located the plane crash site, searching process nearly took  24-hour to locate the crash site due to bad weather.  The plane was departed

Craze of youth in political movements: Balen Shah

  As we all are aware of the recent political changes of our country , we probably know about the issues related to politics, election, and so on . Almost everyone knows about Balen Shah as there is craze of him in social media as well as in every age group people. He is renowned person who has stand as an individual candidate for the mayor of kathmandu metropolitan in the local election which has happened few weeks back. Balen Shah aka Balendra Shah was born in April 27, 1990 in Gairigaun Tinkune , kathmandu. He is son of Dr. Ram Narayan shah, a veteran Ayurvedic doctor and Dhruba Shah. Balen shah is also known as a Nepalese rapper, singer, engineer, social activist and so on. He gain more popularity when he states to stand as an individual candidate in local election for mayor of kathmandu. Balen did schooling from Alliance Academy, college from V.S Niketan, bachelor from White House Institute of Technology in civil engineering and did his masters in structural engineering from Karn

Rights to vote in election

  19 May, ,2022           Election election and election In Nepal we had a local elections which brought chaos in most part of local areas of both city and village. Some local citizen seemed  normal like any other days whereas some were publishing the parties, visited door to door with party pamplets. All members of respective parties were promoting their party. While talking about my feelings of casting vote, i didn't attend to election booth and  i didn't  cast any vote. I don't have a voting card and never had made in my entire life. I have never used my right to vote since i made my citizenship. To be honest i never felt enthusiastic to vote as i prefer to stay away from political issues. I might not have faith on promises that are usually made by any parties. In my village most of my neighbour were very active in election campaign before election, during election and even after the election. But i wasn't interested in any party, neither curious about winning an

Training session

     Blog training session in Kathmandu Well its been a long time that we are back from the blog training session which happened in Bag-bazar, Kathmandu with the help of DHRPS , Australian Government, CBM and our dearest mentors which was meant for our knowledge build up. Before physical session we had virtual class via zoom and we did learnt a lot through that session as well. But from the physical class that we attended in Kathmandu as a lot more effective as we could meet Friends, mentors, trainers and so on. First day we got to know about writing skills, photography techniques, knowledge about share market and so on. On our second day training session we were given to work as a team and write our thoughts on different topics that were given to us. And we are lucky enough to be invited to such a wonderful event which was not only knowledgeable but also a great chance for us to learning something new and express our thoughts, ideas in our daily life and upcoming days through our blog

My thought



                  Generous To give and to get is the law of nature Few of them can be with selflessness Similarities is given to all human creatures And some of them gives always for wellness. Though a person might be rich by money  He won't be rich if generosity isn't his behaviour Selfless person's life can be mostly sunny  Whether they wouldn't be always be a saviour. A kind-hearted person are respected and loved  Nor does it matter if he is no longer existed  Deeds of a man are thing that people judged  Works done for the people are forever listed. Generosity shows kindness how he shares Sharing nature presents that he does cares.

A story

                 A family  Once upon a time, there was a boy named Bahadur who lived in a village called Nayagaun. He was tall, had long hair and brown skin tone. He was enthusiastic by nature but was not so serious about life and future. He spend most of his young days in roaming with friends. When he reached at the age of 25yrs old his family started talking about his marriage and began to search a bride for him. He wasn't liking any girl until one day his eyes strike into a girl who was playing in her home and finally he  decided to marry her and approach her family. The girl's name was Niru, she was quite young but her family accepted the marriage proposal of Bahadur's family. As both family's background was not so good and they could not afford to bear more financial burden so they decided to attend a Group marriage in a temple. Their marriage was simple and she came into a large family which had almost ten members. Niru's life was really hard as she was young

विदेश र पैसा

             कमाउने छोरो  कमाउने छोरो छ नि मेरो ठूलो देशमा विदेशी मुद्रा‌ कमाउछ हरेक महिनामा गएको छ विदेश छोरो पैसा कमाउन  घरपरिवारको जिवन सहज बनाउन काम के हो कस्तो छ सोध्दैनन् कसैले पैसा कहिले पठाउछस् भन्छन् जहिल्यै पिडा हुन्छ नि हजुर कामले गारो भएर बिरामी हुँदा हेरचाह गर्ने कोहि नभएर रिन तिरे तिरेनन् अत्तोपत्तो भएन उता घरमा सानो काम गर्न पैसाको लागि बस्छन् मेरै भरमा

Issues related election

  political parties sweetness during election campaign  Friday, 6 may  Samjhana Bhattarai Kavre,( Mandandeupur - 4)  Local election is happening in 30th Baisakh (April 13). We are seeing lots of chaos from political candidates carrying pamplets, Party flags and requesting public to support them in kavrepalanchok. Today we meet few candidates from the political party were seen visiting every house. As the local elections is coming close almost everyday election campaign of political parties such as Nepali congress , UML, Maoist, Samajwadi party are seen either in a big party palace or door to door visit of local places. Each party along with party pamplets are busy in their campaign or we could say requesting public to vote them and make them winner. Like every previous election each political parties are expressing their plans and policies to public which they are going to work on after winning the election. They are showing their overall sweetness and asking to vote in their name. The

One of the hobbies

            Drew a picture in my leisure time 

Lets be concern

Learning to accept is best for us.