Ghode Jatra

      Ghode Jatra     Ghode Jatra is one of the annual festivals of Nepal which is basically celebrated in Kathmandu - Tudikhel. The word Ghoda refers to horse and Jatra means festival , so ghode Jatra is the festival of horses. Ghode Jatra is celebrated in the month of March - April. On the day of ghode Jatra Nepal Army performs various acts by riding horse, horse racing, horse parade, various performances can be seen in Kathmandu - Tudikhel ground. Public holiday is given in this day where most of the governmental office remains closed. "It is said that Gurumapa  - one of the demons used in live in Kathmandu and the kids started disappearing day by day which was believed to be because of Gurumapa so people tried various ways to scare Gurumapa but nothing could scare him and once people chased him upto Tudikhel ground where many horses ran towards Gurumapa which injured him and he finally got scared and ran away so Jhode Jatra was believed to be started since then".  During




Dashain (Bijaya dasami) is the festival of Nepal which falls once a year in the month of September-October. Dashain is biggest festival which is followed by Hindus and other religious group of people of Nepal as well Nepali people all around the world. Dashain is celebrated in the name of godness Durga as she got victory over the demon called Maisasur as he was creating chaos for gods and no male god was able to kill him so goddess Durga finally killed him. People from Darjeeling also celebrates Dashain as well. In India this festival is named Dussehra and it is celebrated as the victory of god Ram against Ravan during a huge war, so Indian celebrate this day as Ravan Dahan which mean the sculpture of Ravan including meghanatha and kumbhakarna is burned by the fire shot with arrow. The ultimate meaning of Ravan Dahan refers that evil can’t win over goodness. Swing (linge ping) is another mostly needed things during Dashain every age group of people loves playing swings that can be seen either in pipal tree or swing made by attaching four bamboos. Waiting for our turn to play swing might strike in everyone's mind while remembering old days. In Dashain children fly kites, friends and family enjoy by playing cards. Dashain is the most awaited festivals even for the Nepalese people staying abroad specially who are planning to take holiday leave. It is also a festival when new clothes are brought and family wear new clothes during Bijaya Dashami. While food that is compulsory in this festival is meat which can be in each and every house.


The festivals in observed in different way in Nepal and India. Durga puja can also be seen in India too but Dashain is not celebrated there as long as they are not Nepali residing there. Both Nepal and India follow Hindu so most of the festivals somehow matches but the celebration varies. In Nepal the festival consists various important event, celebration and puja before Bijaya Dashami in which 1st days is called Ghatasthapana, 7th day is celebrated as Fulpati, 8th day as maha astami, 9th day as Nawami and finally10th day is called Bijaya Dashami.



It is the first day which officially is the declaration that Dashain has started and on this day one family member bring soil from nearby land and place somewhere in the corner of the house where sun doesn't reach as sowed barley plants are  suppose to be yellow rather than green in the form one prefers then the soil is sowed by barley seeds and a mud vessel filled with water is placed near that soil  and outside of the vessel is covered with cow dung to attached barley in it. One member of the family offers prayers there twice a day one in the morning and in the evening. So, the final grown barley plant in that soil is called Jamara.



Fulpati is the 7th day which is generally is day of performing puja. Ful stands for flowers likewise pati refers to the leaves of the particular plant that is generally use while performing puja, Shraddha (death anniversary puja) so fulpati is the day of observing puja of Gurga with the flower or leaves / Petals of various kinds of mixed plants. Royal vessel including the plant of banana, sugar cane which are bound with red clothes are brought from Gorkha to Kathmandu. Parade towards Hanumandhoka is another important event takes place on this day that is performed by Nepal army in the honor of Fulpati.

Maha Astami

Maha Asthami is the eighth day which is also the day when animals are sacrificed either in temples nor in individual's house and the blood is offered to goddess Durga and the meat is eaten by family members. In the morning puja is done where ash guard/winter melon is made as a goat figure by adding tails, leg and is cut down by the male member of the family. It can also be taken as vegan sacrificial ritual. After cutting ash guard people sacrifice goat and pour some drops of goat's blood to the place where durga puja is usually done and Jamara is placed.



Maha Navami 

Navami is the ninth day or the day before Bijaya Dashami in which various sacrificial of animals are observed. It is said that day is a very important as goddess Durga got victory by killing Maisasur which was the great victory for all the gods and goddess as there were under the authoritarianism of Maisasur and nobody was able to kill him. Nepal army performs kot puja in Hanuman Dhoka by sacrificing animals.

On this day people does Vishokarma puja as well. People collects almost all iron or metal made weapon of the house, machines, vehicles or many other important tools and does puja with coconut and thanks god Vishokarma and wishes for safe travels in the near future and be thankful towards the things that has made their life in travelling, ploughing and so on.


Dashami/ Bijaya Dashami

The tenth day and the main most important day among other previous day is Dashami / Bijaya Dashami. In this day the elder person of the family who is going to put Tika on the youngers either bath or gets clothes and other family members also gets dressed up and various foods are cooked in the kitchen. A big plate filled with red Tika, money, flower patels, cut down jamara is made ready and when auspicious time comes everyone are gathered together in one place where elders puts tika on the other forehead one by one and give blessing and money. Tenth days i.e Bijaya Dashami is celebrated for five days as it’s only an occasion when visiting to relatives to put tika is must to do as long as you are able to visit their house. Family don't celebrate Dashain for one year whose family member has died.




Hence, Dashain is the biggest festivals of Nepal which has been following since a long time and has its original values. It is not only the festivals but also the time which brings family together at one place, the culture and custom has played a role that is connecting the emotions between relatives as the feeling of being valued at the time of this festivals is another notable thing that makes us realize the importance of festivals. Family members who are outside of the country also manage holidays during Dashain to visit family in Nepal so Dashain can be called a perfect moment of family reunion. During the festivals people put their sorrow and sadness aside and enjoy the moment at least once a year.   








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