Ghode Jatra

      Ghode Jatra     Ghode Jatra is one of the annual festivals of Nepal which is basically celebrated in Kathmandu - Tudikhel. The word Ghoda refers to horse and Jatra means festival , so ghode Jatra is the festival of horses. Ghode Jatra is celebrated in the month of March - April. On the day of ghode Jatra Nepal Army performs various acts by riding horse, horse racing, horse parade, various performances can be seen in Kathmandu - Tudikhel ground. Public holiday is given in this day where most of the governmental office remains closed. "It is said that Gurumapa  - one of the demons used in live in Kathmandu and the kids started disappearing day by day which was believed to be because of Gurumapa so people tried various ways to scare Gurumapa but nothing could scare him and once people chased him upto Tudikhel ground where many horses ran towards Gurumapa which injured him and he finally got scared and ran away so Jhode Jatra was believed to be started since then".  During





Poverty is a permanent or temporary situation where one has to live life with struggle even to fulfill basic needs i.e food, clothes and shelter. When a person has to live with lots of hardships on daily basis we can call it as a poverty. Some people are prevailed to live a miserable life not by choice but due to poverty as he can't get good access to anything that he needs to have a proper lifestyle. Poverty was firstly developed in mid 1060s by Mollie Orshansky which was working as staff economist in Social Security Administration. When a person has to live his life with 1.90$ per day then it is taken as extreme poverty according to UN. Likewise, World Bank Organization describe poverty as: Poverty is hunger, poverty is lack of shelter, poverty is not able to see doctors during sick time, poverty is not having an access to school, job, and fear of good future.

Poverty can also be stated as the time period where one has to run his life by small amount of money and with lots of hardships, sacrifice, etc. Living in poverty is literally a life without education, proper house/lifestyle, good health services. Financial issues become the barrier over choices, wishes and many more. Malnutrition is the most heard word which is easily found where you sense the feeling of poverty. When a person can't fulfill basic needs that obviously arouse possible health issues within the family. Healthy lifestyle, tension free days and nights, education are far from the imagination of the person who is living a life in Poverty.
Poverty sometimes is not just about the single person but can be serious issue about the state as public and public are somehow interrelated with each other. Economically strong country has direct and indirect impact on people as people gets benefits from the state if the state is strong enough to provide quality of life to its citizens. When the government is not stable then all other systems of that particular country gets affected which is why well- developed countries are working wisely in development management along with positive attitude. There are various kinds of poverty which are as follows:

  1. Absolute poverty
  2. Relative poverty
  3. Rural/ Urban poverty
  4. Situational/ conditional poverty
  5. Generational poverty

Absolute poverty:

when an income of the family is not able to fulfilled the basic need such food, clothes and shelter then it is called absolute poverty. Absolute poverty refers to a poverty where one has to struggle from finance even to full the need of the family. It is situation below poverty line as they won't have any upon them whether the economic status of the country is strong or not. Families who are under poverty line hardy get proper food so malnutrition can be the major health issue in the family and they are far away from getting education, proper health etc.

Relative poverty:

Such poverty status where income becomes the major barrier as they are paid almost 50% less salary they might be able to fulfilled some basic need they still have to face major and minor issue which needs to done by financial help. Families that lies in this category are different in compare to absolute poverty as they don’t stay under poverty line and life is better than the people of absolute poverty. Income plays vital role in this poverty so once they income increases status automatically improves itself and it can be of short period. State development and job facilities have direct impact on relative poverty.


Rural/Urban poverty:

 Rural poverty is seen in rural/ villages or the places which are least developed. Agriculture and animal husbandry are the main occupation in rural areas and very few people are education due to which they are totally unaware of any advance technology and they don't have proper training on animal husbandry too. Life in rural is life is that you need work 24/7 which sadly is not providing the need that people could wish for. Some village are still beyond the rights of education, health services, roads and transportation and so on.

Urban poverty has direct impact due to improper government and unmanaged political system. Though cities are more developed than rural areas it can't be taken as poverty free if people are unable to get proper job and easy lifestyle. When the government is not aware of the need of the people or if political systems are not managed than the state is lead towards poverty. Another reason of urban poverty is expense increase, even a single find it difficult to sustain his life in city when he won't be paid better as he has to take care of rent, foods, health, transportation services, etc. The more facilities are given the more expenses is necessary so to get rid of urban poverty, proper job is needed for sure.

Situational/conditional poverty

Such kinds of poverty where situation plays vital role is known as situational poverty. When a single family member becomes seriously sick then the treatment expenses gets high whereas earning doesn't increase which as a result leads to poverty. Situational poverty can be temporary but its impact makes the family or the country difficult to manage for certain period of time. COVID-19 can be taken as one of the best examples to understand about situational poverty where almost everything went upside down and took long time to overcome this.

Generational poverty: 

It is different from other types yet is related. Generational poverty is such a poverty which is seen in any family's generation to generation. There might not be consistency in all generation as some may be improved than the previous generation or might be even worse they don't have knowledge about the management of property, money and so on. Generational poverty makes us understand about the improvement or the unimprovement in the family.

Now, let's talk about the causes of poverty. poverty is cause due to many reasons some of them are follows:

v  Due to lack of proper education system

v  Unstable government system

v  Lack of proper food, water, health services, etc

v  weak infrastructure

v Less job opportunities and discrimination

                            Poverty in Nepal

Nepal was under the rule of rana regime for 104yrs which was also one of the reasons of poverty. All power and authority were under their hand and people are restricted from doing any progress such as no education, ban on radio, no health facilities and not even a right to raise voice against royal families. Nepal is developing country but due to unstable government policies is leading slow process in development. Political system is not strong enough to provide quality of life to the people, taxes are not managed in proper way in any sector. Education was not taken as priority in Nepal which is also another reason of poverty because people were not aware of importance of education.
In Nepal, even in present time some of the villages are far behind from education, roads, health services which is creating problem for whose who wants to make their life better than before. When people get knowledgeable he becomes enthusiastic and easer to learn more which ultimately enhance poverty level as well. Due to lack of job Nepali are forced to go abroad hoping to earn more. Nepal is losing both labor worker and well-educated student as well. Talented and hardworking citizen prefers abroad which is why we are still living the life in Poverty. According to the data from 2019, MPI of Nepal is 0.074 as 17.4 percent are still under poverty.

Though poverty is still striking out the state we can't ignore some positive changes that can be seen in present time. Education has become compulsory for both son and daughters even in rural areas too. Due to the technology such as tv, android phone people are slowly and gradually learning things like advance farming method, systematic animal husbandry, off-seasonal farming etc. Some of the changes are given below

  • Educational importance is been understood.
  • Advanced farming method, selective farming and husbandry rather than collective ones.
  • Health sector is improving now than before.
  • Youth political leaders are emerging and trying sustainable development.
  • NGO,s and INGO's are focusing policy based project specially for poor families and giving training for them to enhance themselves.

Hence, poverty is not only an issue of a single person but also of the country. Both government and general people have to suffer so development should be improved slowly and gradually so that it will last longer and the progress doesn't limit only on one sector. A well- built government becomes stronger to maintain political system, makes better policies and improve the lifestyle of people by providing education, health care, transportation services and many more. To eradicate poverty, state and its people has to have the feeling of our rather than mine, when everyone works together progressive works can be done in time and poverty can be improved too. When a state gets economically better, people gets better jobs and other facilities and improve themselves for better it is just of time if development is done being together. For now, we can only hope for the best and wish for the betterment of people all around the world.




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