Ghode Jatra

      Ghode Jatra     Ghode Jatra is one of the annual festivals of Nepal which is basically celebrated in Kathmandu - Tudikhel. The word Ghoda refers to horse and Jatra means festival , so ghode Jatra is the festival of horses. Ghode Jatra is celebrated in the month of March - April. On the day of ghode Jatra Nepal Army performs various acts by riding horse, horse racing, horse parade, various performances can be seen in Kathmandu - Tudikhel ground. Public holiday is given in this day where most of the governmental office remains closed. "It is said that Gurumapa  - one of the demons used in live in Kathmandu and the kids started disappearing day by day which was believed to be because of Gurumapa so people tried various ways to scare Gurumapa but nothing could scare him and once people chased him upto Tudikhel ground where many horses ran towards Gurumapa which injured him and he finally got scared and ran away so Jhode Jatra was believed to be started since then".  During

Music Therapy



A different expressional phrase yet connected with medical term of proving therapy for improving person’s health with the help of music is called music therapy. Music therapy is a way of encourage patient to fight against all types of diseases with which they are suffering. A person’s mental well power is one of the best ways to deal the anxiety, stress when he/she is suffering from physical diseases. Singing, listening, dancing along relaxing music, etc are some of the activities that is included in music therapy. Music therapy is renowned subject in the present time due to that study of music therapy is increasing more than before. Along with technological development people are getting busy each day as a result people are suffering from work pressure, time management, stress, anxiety and many other mental related issue for which music therapy has become more important to balance work load and mental peace.

Music therapy not only helps to manage stress but also helps to fight against the deadly disease like cancer, Alzheimer, autism, and so on. Music therapy mainly focus on nervous system or brain related matter so it obviously helps to control of emotion, thought restless mind, depression, etc. Nowadays, music has been taken as one of the compulsory extracurricular activities in school because only theoretical knowledge is not enough for the children in their life and music helps them to think in creative and broad way as well as manage to deal their thoughts just like the rhythms of music. Music therapy helps just like a psychology, the only difference is that music is focus topic in music therapy whereas psychological session takes place in either clinical way or other practical method in psychology.  


There are various types of music therapy which are as follows:  

An introduction to music therapy

  1. Bonny method of guided imagery and music
  2. Dalcroze eurhythmics
  3. Kodaly
  4. Neurologic music therapy (NMT)
  5. Nordoff-Robbins
  6. Orff-Schulwerk



Bonny method of guided imagery and music:

Music therapy developed by Helen Linquists Bonny is a method which is guided by imagery and music. In this music therapy patient is asked focus on an image/ music to deal with their physiological and psychological stress. This therapy helps to guide mood, relax the body and movement through music to stable mental stress and experiences.  


Dalcroze eurhythmics:

Invented by Emile Jaques- Dalcroze and was started to developed in 1886 is a type of therapy in which rhythms is the focus point and is said to improve physical knowledge which helps to express, feel through rhythms and it is needed all types of art whether it’s about dance, music or any other arts. Though expression one could relief from any mental stress so Dalcroze eurhythmics is one of the music therapies which has been effective therapy.




Zoltan Kodaly has developed this music theory in Hungary during mid-twentieth century which uses rhythms base, sequences, notation and movement to help the patients to heal themselves. Kodaly was said to be inspired when he heard some children’s singing and he wanted to improve the music education system in Hungary. This is also is referred as Kodaly method which is well known all around the globe.  


Neurologic music therapy (NMT):

Neurologic music therapy is also a form of neuroscience that uses music to function the disorder of nervous system. Basically this music therapy is used for the patients who suffer from neurologic disease such as autism, Alzheimer, cerebral palsy and so on. Music is the most important element in this therapy as it works as a pathway to brain.   



Paul Nordoff and Clive Robbins developed this therapy after a long period of time which was 17 years and began since 1958 and it is designed for disabled children who have mental disorder, difficult in learning, delay in their mental development and so on. Music is used as a therapy for the mental development, to enhance the mobility, communicate, build up confidence and be creative.


It is developed by Gertrude Orff for children who are in their developmental phase and starts to learn things so Orff Shulwerk music therapy help for their mental growth. Children learn thing from what they hear and imitates the things that they see and this time period is crucial as well as important for children and Orff- Schulwerk music therapy plays a vital role to build up speech, movement, focus and so on.



 Above pic is painted by the artist Louis Gallait and he has titled it as “power of music”. William Walter was given a written letter by the artist “Louis Gallait’’ in which the description of was written. According to the artist this picture is expressing the power of music where a brother is playing a violin and his sister is sleeping soundly in his lap while they were taking rest before old tomb.


Some of the benefits of music therapy

1.  It helps to manage mental stress.
2.  Peaceful music and meditation helps to relief from pressure and anxiety.
3.  Helps in concentration and give positive vive.
4.  It also helps to lower blood pressure.
5.  Helps to control emotion, manage thoughts.

Hence, music therapy is meant for every age group, children or adult person with mental issues, disabilities and many more. Music is one of the effective therapy which works for all. Physical strengths is the ability that able person to work hard but if a person is stress out mentally then he won’t be able to concentrate on any activities so music therapy is the best remedy to manage the restless mind. To be able to live healthy and happy one need to be have calm and stress free mind which helps to make wise decision in difficult situation and music can be of great help. To sleep soundly peaceful music could works as a medicine. Sometimes lyrics and meaning of music makes a huge difference in our understanding as it can convince us in positive way and yes some music might make our eyes teary when we are deeply involve into the lyrics. Music therapy study is emerging in a good way in international universities.










An introduction to music therapy












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