Ghode Jatra

      Ghode Jatra     Ghode Jatra is one of the annual festivals of Nepal which is basically celebrated in Kathmandu - Tudikhel. The word Ghoda refers to horse and Jatra means festival , so ghode Jatra is the festival of horses. Ghode Jatra is celebrated in the month of March - April. On the day of ghode Jatra Nepal Army performs various acts by riding horse, horse racing, horse parade, various performances can be seen in Kathmandu - Tudikhel ground. Public holiday is given in this day where most of the governmental office remains closed. "It is said that Gurumapa  - one of the demons used in live in Kathmandu and the kids started disappearing day by day which was believed to be because of Gurumapa so people tried various ways to scare Gurumapa but nothing could scare him and once people chased him upto Tudikhel ground where many horses ran towards Gurumapa which injured him and he finally got scared and ran away so Jhode Jatra was believed to be started since then".  During

Shree Swasthani Vrata Katha Prarambha/Maagh Snan

Shree Swasthani Vrata Katha Prarambha/Maagh Snan

reference: swasthani book

Swasthani is one of the holy books of Hindu that is an epic written by Jayanta Dev around 1573 in Newar language and later on translated version in Nepali language was found in 1810 a Newari version was difficult to read by all. Shree Swasthani is a Hindu goddess who is also known as the goddess of welfare, power and good fortune whereas Shree Swasthani Vrata Katha Prarambha(start) refers to the starting of fasting month in the name of goddess Swasthani. Swasthani Vrata katha is a one month ritual that starts from poush and ends in Magh i.e in the month of January – February and during that period story from holy book Swasthani is recited by any family member and other listen to it. The story in swasthani is mostly related to lord shiva, sati devi and reincarnation form of sati devi as goddess parvati. Creation of the universe is also talked in the book where Brahma was the creator, Vishnu as a preserver and maheshor/ lord Shiva as a creator, protector, transformer and even destroyer. As a whole, swasthani revolves around the god, goddesses, demons/danav, etc.


Maagh snan is other important ritual that is followed by Hindu follower. Maagh means month and snan refers to take a bath, during this festival time people from different parts of Nepal visit Temple called Salinadi located in Shankhu and take a bath in the pond wishing well-being of the family, husband and wishing for good husband in future. Salinadi temple would be fully crowded by devotees who either visit salinadi to pray or take a bath. We can observer big fair(mela) where playing things like roller coaster, bike stunts, different small shops of bangles, shoes, clothes, and many more can be found in that fair. Many small hotels are another thing that can be seen during the one month time.


Swasthani is such a book which talks about various incidents that are believed to be happened before the universe was created, how universe was creation, who were given power to create, protect and preserve the universe and many more. Till now we knew about goddess Shree Swasthani and why fasting of swasthani is observed. Swasthani book consists 32 chapters in total and in every different stories are discussed. Before the creation of the world everywhere was water and somewhere under the water lord Vishu used to lie down in shesnag (snake god) and one day lotus was produced from the navel of lord Vishnu and in the lotus lord Brahma was seated while thinking about the creation of the universe but then two monsters who was produced from the earwax of lord Visshnu named Madhu and Kaitav began to climb up by grabbing the lotus that made Brahma panic and frightened and then Vishnu woke up by the request of Brahma and asked those two monsters to stopped their violent nature but they didn’t care and according to swasthani book “it is said that war was happened for almost 5000 years between gods and monsters. The battle was won by monsters. When Vishnu asked those monsters if they want any blessing from him by then monsters replied they were the ones who won and Vishnu won’t be able to give anything to them. Monsters offer to asked anything from them for which Vishu asked for their death though they were not convince at first they accepted the offer but also gave one condition which was to kill him where there is no water and Vishnu killed them by keeping them in his lap. After they died their body fat was frozen due to cold and earth is said to be created, meat became hills and bones became rocks. After witnessing the situation, Brahma created 14 lok (worlds) 7 as heaven and 7 as hell. Slowing be began to create island, different sage and so on. And three different gods like Brahma, Vishnu and mahadev( shiva) were assign different roles.

Swasthani book describe about creation of world, death of monsters, marriage of shiva and sati devi, sati’s sacrifice by jumping into the sacrificial fire as she felt her husband was insulted by her father for inviting him in the puja which was organized by her father, Shiva’s world travel by carrying the death body of sati devi, reincarnation of sati devi as goddess Parvati, marriage of 7 year old Goma with 70 years old Shivassharma, chadrawati’s disrespect towards shree swasthani due to which Chadrawati was said to be fell down into salinadi when bridge was broken and her miserable condition, Goma’s and Chadrawati’s fast of shree swasthani and the end of their suffering after Goma’s son/ chadrawati’s husband became king.


Hence, swasthani vrata/ fasting is believed to be one which could fulfill lots of wishes and those who observe this fast with devotion in the name of shree swasthani that person’s happiness, fate can be sure of be achieved. Swasthani is one of the sacred books of Hinduism. Swasthani describe about the creation of universe and the event that has happened after the creation of the universe. Stories described in swasthani has happened or not might be the concern of present people but no-one knows the fact but after reading the book we can be sure that the consequences of evil deeds are bad and negative. Everyone has their own identities and ideologies for which people can’t judge over it. Human beings, birds and animals, nature etc has their own duties which should be done wholeheartedly. Everyone is doing what he wants to do where some get what they desire and some has to struggle longer and harder.







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