Ghode Jatra

      Ghode Jatra     Ghode Jatra is one of the annual festivals of Nepal which is basically celebrated in Kathmandu - Tudikhel. The word Ghoda refers to horse and Jatra means festival , so ghode Jatra is the festival of horses. Ghode Jatra is celebrated in the month of March - April. On the day of ghode Jatra Nepal Army performs various acts by riding horse, horse racing, horse parade, various performances can be seen in Kathmandu - Tudikhel ground. Public holiday is given in this day where most of the governmental office remains closed. "It is said that Gurumapa  - one of the demons used in live in Kathmandu and the kids started disappearing day by day which was believed to be because of Gurumapa so people tried various ways to scare Gurumapa but nothing could scare him and once people chased him upto Tudikhel ground where many horses ran towards Gurumapa which injured him and he finally got scared and ran away so Jhode Jatra was believed to be started since then".  During

Global warming and climate change


Global warming and climate change :

The unusual change which is caused by greenhouse effect and more CO2 in the environment due to the human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, establishment of various industries which is more likely to create carbon dioxide and so on. Whereas climate change is like the outcome of global warming- which the change like seasonal differences, unexpected rain and drought, extreme hot or cold, glacier melting and many more. Due to global warming, almost all seasons are becoming different like winter are either extreme cold or less cold and summer are getting more hotter than it used to be and fruits bearing is getting difficult as they won’t long last without using chemicals.  

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) is the cause of depleting the ozone layer and it is somehow related to human development- nowadays most of the people are starting to use refrigerator, air-conditioners, different kinds of aerosol sprays which release CFCs which as result harming ozone layer. The thinning of ozone layer is increasing the amounts of ultraviolent rays (UV rays) in the earth and people are directly and indirectly getting effected by it. By more amount of UV rays, skin related diseases are arousing these days and people may suffer from skin cancer by more amount of UV rays. So, to prevent ozone layer depletion we must use those technology which doesn’t use CFCs.
 Cause of global warming
  1. Deforestation
  2. Urbanization
  3. Air pollution
  4. Industrialization
  5. Waste products
Deforestation is the act of cutting down of trees in uncontrollable way and cutting single harm the particular area where that was as it loosen up the soil of that part which was control by that single. Likewise, deforestation not only barren land but also stopped purifying CO2 as trees gives oxygen and takes CO2. Deforestation is also the cause of landslides.

Urbanization is the process of developing rural areas into urbans, it is basically building more buildings, hospitals, parks, etc and it covers the open area by new construction which creates the problems of water, health and many more as the area becomes congested people won’t be able have anything properly such as water scarcity, drainage problem, noise pollution, etc.  
Air pollution:
The condition where air gets impure due to the mixture of different gases is known as air pollution. Air is the basic need for any living beings in order to survive. When air gets polluted human inhale impure air along with other various gases which can create problems in lings and heart. And air pollution is one of the causes of global warming. 
The development of various kind of industries whether in urban areas or rural areas in known as industrialization. In every countries industries like brick factories, shoes factories, cement factories etc are develop as the infrastructure of development which are obvious to create harmful gases and pollute the air and also cause global warming.
Waste products:
Waste products is also the cause of global warming as it pollutes air, environment and also produce various gases when the wastes become to decay and is not managed properly. Improper waste management leads to generated diseases that can be transmitted from human to human. To manage waste, segregation of two portion is needed where decaying and un-decaying waste should be placed separately and recycling of the un-decaying waste can be done. 
 Climate change: 

Global warming is one of the reasons for climate change because when the temperature rises in the environment then climatic changes occur which ultimately arouses seasonal variation, extreme weather changes and so on. By the study of NASA ozone layer is depleting day by day and it is to continue in upcoming days and for the global warming and climate change we humans are responsible as we are the one who is behind deforestation without afforestation, urbanizing rural areas without any precautions and due to the carelessness of human we are creating harm to ourselves as we are gradually facing unexpected change in the environment.

In order to manage change we have to equally participate in planting trees which can somehow be able to observe carbon dioxide and make the environment cleaner. Any kind of industry which produces harmful gas must use technology to purify the air before it releases in the air. Every year during the rainy season people have to suffer from landslides and many lose their life due to natural disasters so we should plant trees more than we cut down. Waste management is another issue that needs attention as waste products can cause deadly disease and more likely to create harmful gas and pollute the air so waste products should be managed in a systematic approach as some waste can be recycled and reusable.
Some of the reasons that can help to prevent global warming:
  1. We should give priority to afforestation.
  2. Urbanization shouldn't affect the environment.
  3. Industries need to be established along with technology to purify the air.
  4. City areas should be kept free from waste products misplacement.
  5. Farmers shouldn't use more pesticides and fertilizers in agricultural land.
  6. Old vehicles should be checked properly and be changed to control air pollution.

Hence, global warming and climate change is not caused by any single person or group of people as somewhere we all are responsible for it so for the positive change everyone has to fulfill the duty wherever we exist. Simple actions of individuals can create a difference. We could participate in afforestation in our free time. Likewise, we can engage in cleaning campaigns to clean the environment as the cleaning of the surroundings makes the ways clean and safe as well. We shouldn't throw dust and waste like plastic randomly in any place because they slowly and gradually began to block the soil and lead landslides during the rainy season. Most of the developed countries are highly industrialized and are responsible for global warming and climate change and they need to equally participate in afforestation and other kinds of campaigns which are meant to benefit the environment. These days most of the countries are celebrating the environment day by organizing different programs related to protecting the environment and informing people about the seriousness of global warming and danger that are yet to come in upcoming days. Global warming could harm the health of the people by creating various kinds of diseases and skin rashes. As the air has been highly polluted people are advised not to be in acid rain.  


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