Ghode Jatra

      Ghode Jatra     Ghode Jatra is one of the annual festivals of Nepal which is basically celebrated in Kathmandu - Tudikhel. The word Ghoda refers to horse and Jatra means festival , so ghode Jatra is the festival of horses. Ghode Jatra is celebrated in the month of March - April. On the day of ghode Jatra Nepal Army performs various acts by riding horse, horse racing, horse parade, various performances can be seen in Kathmandu - Tudikhel ground. Public holiday is given in this day where most of the governmental office remains closed. "It is said that Gurumapa  - one of the demons used in live in Kathmandu and the kids started disappearing day by day which was believed to be because of Gurumapa so people tried various ways to scare Gurumapa but nothing could scare him and once people chased him upto Tudikhel ground where many horses ran towards Gurumapa which injured him and he finally got scared and ran away so Jhode Jatra was believed to be started since then".  During

Mobile Addiction



Graphics from Canva 

What is mobile addiction?

The use of mobile or smart phone to much or in an inappropriate manner is called mobile addiction. Development of technologies has made many changes all around the world in which smart phone is one of them, smart phone is advance version of keypad phone which was meant for means of communication but smart phone replaced it in a different perspective. Nowadays, smart phone has been a basic need for us not just for communication but also for entertainment purpose. We tend to start our day either by scrolling into some social media platform or by watching videos in YouTube, TikTok, shorts in Facebook, Instagram and so on. It is important to be well known about the current situation and changes that is happening around us or the world so the use of smart phone for learning new things or gaining more knowledge is a positive thing but using it in unlimited manner is addiction which needs to be improved by us.


Keypad phone has been advanced into smart phone but the way we are using them is making us addicted rather than being smart that means we need to upgrade ourselves by learning meaningful things so that we can assure of being knowledgeable. We can hear news about road accident due to the use of phone while walking, phone blast by using it while charging, person’s death either by building or high areas while performing stunt for reels, etc. It is not a bad thing to make videos or reels but we must be aware of the danger that might be risky for us for which precaution should be the first priorities beside shooting videos.


Smart phone addiction in children

Graphics from Pinterest 

Nowadays, a child learns to use phone before learning basic alphabets or any educational related matter or we could say that a smart phone has been a toy for a child that a parent gives them if they start crying so basically smart phone has win over toys as we can now see a child with phone rather than toys. A parent should be able note the timing of their child with phone so that a child won’t be addicted because if a child becomes addiction to phone it starts to torment them mentally and the first thing they will seek can be a smart phone. In present time, a child needs a phone while eating, sleeping, before homework, when he/she wakes up, etc over use of smart phone has affected the concentration level as well as eyes vision of a child.


A child needs to be free from emotional disturbance but now he/she thinks about the time when they can use phone due to that they do thing in a quick way without proper concentration which is affecting their education as well as their mental health. Children refers to spend time with phone rather than playing with friends due to which they prefer to be isolated by physical games, outside activities and even toys presented inside the room doesn’t matter to them at all. We need to be caution over everything that a child does in his day to day activities as sometimes it can be a trauma for children if they can’t get to use  phone and the time that he uses with phone should be noted so we must be able to fix any particular time period.


Smart phone addiction in an adult 

Smart phone has been a source of time pass for everyone and we tent to use free time by involving ourselves by spending it with a phone in our hand. Most of the people own smart phone and has been spending money for mid-range or premium smart phone in search of better experience but we are somehow being addicted to smartphone that are high in price knowingly or unknowingly because now some people prefer to buy phones over their price range by borrowing money from friends and as result they need to spend their earning to pay back in which craze for apple product is one of the reasons. Due to the craze we are being addicted to expensive phones and at the same time unemployed people spend most of our time by using mobile as there won’t be a work to do by the lack of job.


We should note out our time with phone whether it’s a child or an adult because addiction over anything won’t give a positive consequence in our life. Addiction over smart phone is a bad influence for ourselves as we might be forgetful over the rice or curry that was on the stove, we might forget to close tab, we might randomly cross road in wrong light, we mightn’t be able to keep an eye over a child who was playing beside us, etc. Mobile addiction is not only bad for us but also for the people around us as when we continue to glance in our phone we began to be more forgetful than as usual. Watching videos and scrolling the social sites can definitely be the best way for our boredom but we shouldn’t be addicted and make our child to be addicted to smartphone.



Hence, smartphone has been a source of entertainment, seeking information, communication and earning as well so it has become one of the important technologies in the present time but it has both positive and negative impact over people as proper use of smart phone can be beneficial for us but it can act negatively when we can’t be use them in an appropriate way. When we are able to identify when and in what time to use the advantage of smart phone we are at the right path but when we start using mobile in excessive manner then we our definitely taking a risk which can affect us. Overall we mustn’t be addicted over anything just like smartphone for that we have to be cautious over the thing which we perform in our day to day life.   


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