Ghode Jatra

      Ghode Jatra     Ghode Jatra is one of the annual festivals of Nepal which is basically celebrated in Kathmandu - Tudikhel. The word Ghoda refers to horse and Jatra means festival , so ghode Jatra is the festival of horses. Ghode Jatra is celebrated in the month of March - April. On the day of ghode Jatra Nepal Army performs various acts by riding horse, horse racing, horse parade, various performances can be seen in Kathmandu - Tudikhel ground. Public holiday is given in this day where most of the governmental office remains closed. "It is said that Gurumapa  - one of the demons used in live in Kathmandu and the kids started disappearing day by day which was believed to be because of Gurumapa so people tried various ways to scare Gurumapa but nothing could scare him and once people chased him upto Tudikhel ground where many horses ran towards Gurumapa which injured him and he finally got scared and ran away so Jhode Jatra was believed to be started since then".  During







Marketing is the business strategy which is applied in various types of business and it is one of the ways to get connected with people along with their likes or dislikes as well as a process to identify the need of customers, audiences, buyers and so on. Marketing is the idea of promoting brands and products that a company owns and it is done to lead their products in public and more people. Marketing strategy can be started from a small stall / street vendor to big mart / shopping complex. The aim of a company will always be to sell as much as it could for the development of the company and earn profit so marketing plan is the best way that a company can adopt to attract customer towards their product and to convince people of their brand to be the best compare to other company’s brands.



In Nepal, there a well – known proverb that is – Bolne ko Pitho bigcha Na bolne ko chamal ni bigdaina which mean those who speaks louder can sell a flour but one’s silence can’t even sell rice which ultimately means that marketing attracts people’s attention and make them curious to buy things whereas being silent over some matter won’t be beneficial to us when we are doing business so if we want our product to be brought by people we must be aware of marketing. Marketing helps people to know about the trend of products that are available in the market and on the other hand, it helps the company to know about the choice of the people and people response towards their product helps to analyze their product to improve in the days to come.





Advertisement is the display of short message about the product, brands, design, foods or vegetable, juice, etc through pamphlet, template, brochure either to placed somewhere more visible to people like sidewalk walls, at the top of the shops, social media platform, tv and so on. Social media in the present time has become one of the most important sources whether it is about sharing information, connecting to people as well as marketing. Social media and marketing have now interconnected with each other when it's about business and its promotion. We can say that social media platforms are the most effective for marketing purposes as it has got influential value about anything. Either a single person or a group plans for the work in the business field marketing strategies is the first thing that comes to their mind to promote the business, brand, content and so on.


Nowadays, phone and laptop has been a means of earning along with entertainment and smart gadgets user are more than the non- users as a result more people are engaged in social media for many proposes and marketing strategies through social media definitely has a benefit for the policy making, connecting to people, promote products, services etc, for a business person. In most prominent role in the field of marketing strategies plays by Ads, which can't be missed out as Ads are the one and only a medium and announcer which helps you to reach public and arouse interest towards your business. Social media marketing has great potential to become the biggest craze among people regardless of what they are seeing in your proposal and what advantages and disadvantages they can have by your marketing policy. Around 60% world population are online users which indicates that marketing by the means of social media has great value in both small and large businesses. Our topic won't be able to complete if we don't talk about popular media platforms that are of course has been helping in marketing. We mustn't miss out such media platforms that are in use either for personal use, interest or for marketing purposes. While talking about social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube are some of the media platforms from which marketing can be done through Advertisement. Google ads is another way of advertisement that can helps to build a strong marketing plan. Google ads has been a great help to website business, website user, blogging, YouTube vlogger, content creator etc. 

Information must be shared in order to create the bond between business person and public for which above social media platforms has played a major role in the field of marketing nowadays and maybe in the days to come. Though social media has been helping us out in marketing and advertising we got to be aware of the fact that not all types of marketing can be implemented in any particular media platforms because each social media has their own importance, value and policies so as a businessman one has be able to pick up the suitable platforms for marketing because it's the best way know about the interest of the audience, service taker   whether the marketing strategies is working or not and can it be able to reach the goal that you have set up for your business.

Likewise, we must understand the importance of social media marketing and how it helps and has been helping in the business field. Here are some important points that are listed below:

1.     Social media helps anyone to interact with each other and share ideas and inspirational stories.

2.     It helps to grow viewers into your business even in less budget.

3.     Interaction with audiences even helps to learn about your progress or failure as well helps to learn about your competitors of related field.

4.     Marketing through social media helps to know about the interest, likes, dislikes, viewpoint of the people.

5.     Social media makes easier to promote your products, services and facilities that you are going to give to public.

Social media marketing not only helps in any marketing plans and policies but also generate to build permanent buyers, audiences, sponsors which is definitely a bonus and a reward for a businessman. In any business, buyers and investors, audiences are most important as they directly and indirectly help in your business for sure and customers are taken as an asset and blessings that one gets through trusts.

To conclude, marketing, advertisement and social media are somehow linked with each other as these three directly or indirectly help each other in various ways. For marketing advertisement plays a vital role to give excess or a path toward a products similarly social media is the source through which marketing advertisement is displayed to reach more people so social media is the powerful platforms in the present time whether to excess information, marketing, interaction and many more. Trustworthy marketing strategies and tactics by the means of social media makes a huge difference in the business. Building connection with audiences by appealing marketing proposal, content can be a great success which is possible by social media marketing. An ads can a huge difference in marketing as it is the quick way to display message about any product to people in a short process rather than lengthy way.




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