
Ghode Jatra

      Ghode Jatra     Ghode Jatra is one of the annual festivals of Nepal which is basically celebrated in Kathmandu - Tudikhel. The word Ghoda refers to horse and Jatra means festival , so ghode Jatra is the festival of horses. Ghode Jatra is celebrated in the month of March - April. On the day of ghode Jatra Nepal Army performs various acts by riding horse, horse racing, horse parade, various performances can be seen in Kathmandu - Tudikhel ground. Public holiday is given in this day where most of the governmental office remains closed. "It is said that Gurumapa  - one of the demons used in live in Kathmandu and the kids started disappearing day by day which was believed to be because of Gurumapa so people tried various ways to scare Gurumapa but nothing could scare him and once people chased him upto Tudikhel ground where many horses ran towards Gurumapa which injured him and he finally got scared and ran away so Jhode Jatra was believed to be started since then".  During

The growth of BL genre

                 The growth of BL genre Bl stands for boy’s love is a kind of genre which consist the romance between boys and the movies or the series roam around the love of boys with the boys. Bl genre got emerged due the manga as it has directly or indirectly helped bl genre as one of the interesting genres in the present time. Bl movies or series are more focused on male- male romance as main leads are always males. Kaze to ki no uta is known as first bl manga which was written by Keiko Takemiya is the Japanese manga series which was published between 1976 -1984. Keiko Takemika wrote Kaze to ki no uta to which was not sure to be popular but it gave her the good response from the audiences. Writing about Bl or Gl was bit risky at 90s as production companies rarely accepted such genre or concept and audience perception was not so free as of now.   Bl genre is one of the most viewed genres in the present time as people are more to support LGBT in general term and bl is also t

Nature and intention - poem


Jitni Dafa and Zehnaseeb


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robots

  What is artificial intelligence? An intelligence which is used along with the use of computer systems through machines, robots and so on. Artificial intelligence is totally opposite in compare with human intelligence as it works way faster than human and with the development of technology AI is becoming the priorities for many companies rather than human workers. John McCarthy is known as the father of AI and he has coined the term “Artificial Intelligence” in 1950s . Similarly, robots are about to replace human workers as they perform the task more effectively and faster. According to the data given by mckinsey on 2017- “it is said that by the year 2030, 800 million jobs can be taken over robots or AI”.   Social media are also using AI to make the website more advance as well as to mange the cost that are costly when human resources need whereas AI makes the websites less costly to manage the expense. AI chats is another developed technology which is sure to replace human resou



Gurasa Ko Fed Muni

Audio track taken from SING_SAGAR_RAI09 (Smule)  

Google Translate

   Google (global organization of group language of earth) in the web search engine which has being the most used website till now and it was form in September 4, 1998 whereas google translate is one of the best features which google provides to translate more than 100 language all over the world. Google translate is the free translation service developed and given by google which was formed since 2006. Google translate has easy access to translate documents, photos of different language, words, etc from one particular language to other needed language. As google translate has made easier to translate over 100 language it has helped many non- English speaker as well as to know native language through translation whenever we travel different countries. Till now more than 500 million people use google translate and it is about 90% success rate so far. As long as we can use google we are automatically be able to use google translate any unknown language through translation easily that