
Showing posts from July, 2022

Ghode Jatra

      Ghode Jatra     Ghode Jatra is one of the annual festivals of Nepal which is basically celebrated in Kathmandu - Tudikhel. The word Ghoda refers to horse and Jatra means festival , so ghode Jatra is the festival of horses. Ghode Jatra is celebrated in the month of March - April. On the day of ghode Jatra Nepal Army performs various acts by riding horse, horse racing, horse parade, various performances can be seen in Kathmandu - Tudikhel ground. Public holiday is given in this day where most of the governmental office remains closed. "It is said that Gurumapa  - one of the demons used in live in Kathmandu and the kids started disappearing day by day which was believed to be because of Gurumapa so people tried various ways to scare Gurumapa but nothing could scare him and once people chased him upto Tudikhel ground where many horses ran towards Gurumapa which injured him and he finally got scared and ran away so Jhode Jatra was believed to be started since then".  During

Happy Friendship Day


Life journey


Gender equality

    Introduction  Gender refers to the identity and characteristics of male and female that are constructed by the society whereas equality means giving equal treatment to the people so gender equality defines the right, duties, and opportunities that are distributed equally without being bias among male, female, biosexual and transgender. Equality must ensure that rights, opportunities, education, health are to be provided in an equal manner in rightful way. Physical appearance mustn't be the valid reason to differentiate the mentality of any gender. Gender equality should include all gender when it comes about priorities in anything. Mostly in male dominated society male are given preferences in compare to any other gender. Ever since the formation of the society females are dominated and society always find fault in the work that are specially done by females I.e daughters, daughter in- law. '' Male and female are taken as the two wheels of a cart'', but in r

Main koi yesa geet gau, Raha mein tumse mulakat ho gae


poem - Global Warming

                 Global Warming

Saune Sankranti / Luto Falne Din

      Saune Sankranti / Luto Falne Din Introduction Nepal is rich in cultural diversity and many festivals based on different religions among such countless festivals Saune Sankranti is one of them. Word ''Sankranti'' refers to the transferal of sun to Capricorn sign. Saune Sankranti falls annually in the Nepali month, Shravan which is in the middle of July. This month also can be called as the month of praying god Shiva, Mahadev. Hindu devotees visit different shiv temples for praying and doing puja of Shiva. It is believed that fasting and worshiping Mahadev is auspicious and praying god Shiva brings blessings to the family. Some Hindu followers mostly newly married women observed fast and perform puja of goddess Gauri for the long life of their husband whereas unmarried girls keep the fast for wishing to get good husband. Fasting on every Monday of Shravan month is kept for lord Shiva, meanwhile Mangala Gauri fasting is observed on every Tuesday in Shravan.



poem - Human and life purpose

          Human and life purpose    No matter what your life purpose may be, work on it hard   and finish it though it may not give you the result you want Obstacles are sure to come, overcome it with passion and faith Complete the mission and show your success to those people Who never believe on you, find fault on you and of your nature.   Criticism of other’s has to become your strength and shield Not to be weaken but to wake up and think to make it wrong People’s point of view must not be the reason to affect your life As you are the master on your own.   Make the family proud with your hard- work and achievement Let bygone be the bygones as they can’t be change or replaced Past though have hurt you much and was painful to remember Substitute the pain with happiness ,you are your own life manager.                                                                                                        - Samjhana Bhattarai          

Bakar Eid

                 Bakar Eid -2022 Eid-al-Adha which is known as Bakar Eid in Nepal is a festival which is celebrated by the people of Islam community across the globe annually. The ultimate reason of celebrating this day is all about the devotion of prophet Ibrahim towards “Allah” the one and only god Islam. It is said that Ibrahim dreamt about sacrificing his son who meant a lot to him and later he was convinced and ready to sacrifice his own son in the name of god, Allah. Bakar Eid is celebrated on the 10 th day of Dhul-al-Hijjah which is indicated by Islamic lunar calendar, whereas it may vary from Gregorian calendar every year. Bakar Eid is celebrated each year remembering the greatness and willingness of Ibrahim who almost sacrificed his own son to god. devotion towards god was way greater due to which he didn’t even listening to saiitan who was diverting him for not sacrificing his son. It is said that Ibrahim’s pure dedication Allah send and angel Gabriel along with sheep

filmora video trial



         बाल्यकाल कस्तो समय‌ थियो वाल्यकाल हामी सबैको न त थियो लोभ‌ मनमा न त चिन्ता कसैको, दिनभर खेले नि न थकाई लाग्ने न त भोक साथिहरु सँग खेलेर लाग्ने गर्थे सरिर भरि चोट। थिएन लालच मिठो खान पाउँ र राम्रो लगाउ भनेर  मेराे त समय बित्ने‌ गर्थे दशैं तिहार आउने दिन गनेर, गरिएन जिद महँगा लुगा र राम्रो जुत्ता चाहियो भनेर मन हर्षित हुन्थे वर्षको एक पटक मात्र नयाँ लुगा पाएर। विहान उठि चिया खायो बेलुकाको बासि भात मिसाएर बारी गएर‌ गीत गाई वस्तुलाई घाँस काटियो‌ डोको बिसाएर, घर आयो घाँस काटि‌ अनि लुगा लगाइ भात खायो समय सोधेर विध्यालय गइन्थ्यो सधैं चार-पाँच वटा पुस्तक कम्मरमा‌ बोकेर।

International Sports Journalist Day

International Sports Journalist Day Sports journalists are the types of journalists whose news coverage is mainly associated to sports. The International Sports Press Association (AIPS) was formed on July 1924 and it established  World Sports Journalist Day in 1994 . Since that  World Sports Journalist Day is celebrated worldwide yearly on 2nd July . The main reason of celebrating World Sports Journalist Day is to acknowledge the effort of sports journalist as well to promote sports all around the world. Sports is also associated to our health as it plays an important role to improve our health. Sports makes our body fit, strengthen our bone and muscle, increase stamina, flexible our body as well helps to keep our heart healthy. Sports related workout keeps our body healthy and calm our mind too. Sports has become the compulsory news section in printed newspapers, online news platform, audio and visual news too. Olympic, world up and other sports has become the biggest craze among p