
Showing posts from October, 2022

Ghode Jatra

      Ghode Jatra     Ghode Jatra is one of the annual festivals of Nepal which is basically celebrated in Kathmandu - Tudikhel. The word Ghoda refers to horse and Jatra means festival , so ghode Jatra is the festival of horses. Ghode Jatra is celebrated in the month of March - April. On the day of ghode Jatra Nepal Army performs various acts by riding horse, horse racing, horse parade, various performances can be seen in Kathmandu - Tudikhel ground. Public holiday is given in this day where most of the governmental office remains closed. "It is said that Gurumapa  - one of the demons used in live in Kathmandu and the kids started disappearing day by day which was believed to be because of Gurumapa so people tried various ways to scare Gurumapa but nothing could scare him and once people chased him upto Tudikhel ground where many horses ran towards Gurumapa which injured him and he finally got scared and ran away so Jhode Jatra was believed to be started since then".  During

poem - Life and Situation



  Tihar/Dipawali Introduction The festival of lights which is celebrated as Tihar/Dipawali is Hindu festival which is observed annually in Nepal and some parts of India and Nepali people all around the world. This festival is also celebrated in India as Diwali and the ritual that is done in Nepal during Tihar is different from the Diwali of India. The common things in both festivals is lights, lighting diya, making Rongoli, firecrackers and observing laxmi puja. During Tihar and Diwali performing puja of goddess is one of the most important ritual that is to be done compulsory. Goddess laxmi is known for the goddess of wealth so observing laxmi puja is said to bring wealth in the family. The special food of Tihar is sel-roti Nepali food made with the rice flour by frying in the pan with oil just like donuts and sel-roti is the common breakfast of every house during and after Tihar for some days. Sel- roti is used as sweet while performing puja for almost five days ritual. Tihar is a

Nazar Ke Samne - Aashiqui movie( Rahul Roy, Anu Agarwal)



          poverty                                                                   Poverty is a permanent or temporary situation where one has to live life with struggle even to fulfill basic needs i.e food, clothes and shelter. When a person has to live with lots of hardships on daily basis we can call it as a poverty. Some people are prevailed to live a miserable life not by choice but due to poverty as he can't get good access to anything that he needs to have a proper lifestyle. Poverty was firstly developed in mid 1060s by Mollie Orshansky which was working as staff economist in Social Security Administration. When a person has to live his life with 1.90$ per day then it is taken as extreme poverty according to UN . Likewise, World Bank Organization describe poverty as: Poverty is hunger, poverty is lack of shelter, poverty is not able to see doctors during sick time, poverty is not having an access to school, job, and fear of good future . Poverty can also be stated as the

poem - emotion


Mitwa and Neele Neele Ambar par



                         Dashain Dashain (Bijaya dasami) is the festival of Nepal which falls once a year in the month of September-October. Dashain is biggest festival which is followed by Hindus and other religious group of people of Nepal as well Nepali people all around the world. Dashain is celebrated in the name of godness Durga as she got victory over the demon called Maisasur as he was creating chaos for gods and no male god was able to kill him so goddess Durga finally killed him. People from Darjeeling also celebrates Dashain as well. In India this festival is named Dussehra and it is celebrated as the victory of god Ram against Ravan during a huge war, so Indian celebrate this day as Ravan Dahan which mean the sculpture of Ravan including meghanatha and kumbhakarna is burned by the fire shot with arrow. The ultimate meaning of Ravan Dahan refers that evil can’t win over goodness. Swing (linge ping) is another mostly needed things during Dashain every age group of people l